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An architect talks about tile

Photo by Bob Borson
If our last several projects are any indication, glass and ceramic tile are going to have a really good 2012. Durable, easy to take care of, and with an unlimited variety of color, patterns, textures and sizes, more and more of our clients are turning to tile throughout their house. As an architect that specializes in modern residential design, I am excited about the design opportunities this presents to me.

Photo by Cotto D’Este
Modern residences frequently take advantage of the open floor plan where the spaces flow together rather than more traditional layouts where the spaces are defined more by perimeter walls. To help visually connect these spaces together, we like to use large format tile – as large as 36″ x 36″ – to visually extend your eye from one space into and through the next space.
Photo by Bob Borson
In specialty areas like kitchens, these spaces tend to be visible from several other rooms at the same time and as a result, we like small format tiles that either have a unique size or texture to them.

Bob Borson is an award-winning Dallas architect. His blog, Life of an Architect, is read by thousands every day.