An Interview with CID Award Winner and Interior Designer Ivonne Ronderos

Ivonne Ronderos is no stranger to great design. As the founder and principal of DKOR Interiors, Inc., she leads a full-service residential interior design firm dedicated to developing client driven design that is functional with a timeless aesthetic. This philosophy helped create last year’s CID Award Winner for Residential Tile Design: Contemporary Waterfront Elegance in in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

As an expert in her industry, we sat down with Ivonne to learn some of her tricks of the trade, and her experience as a CID Award Winner. You can still submit a project for the Coverings 2017 CID Awards, which you can learn more about here.

What’s the biggest misconception about the design industry?
Interior Design is a service, not an art form. I see so many designers choose or design based on their own vision and what they would like. They often forget that this space is a home for their client, a place where people should feel comfortable and where they’ll build memories.

What are some tips that you would give to newcomers who have been to a Coverings show?
There are lots of options out there, and as interior designers it’s our responsibility to inform our clients about every option and alternative. I recommend getting to know all of them so that you are able to help your clients find exactly what they need. Coverings is a great one-stop shop for this. If you have the opportunity to go, we highly recommend you do it.

It’s also important to keep yourself updated about the latest design trends and products. There are new products every year. Discover all of them so you can find the new covering solutions for your design products.

What inspired your submission for the CID Awards last year?
Our service, fiscal transparency and client driven design is what we are most proud of. Whenever given the opportunity, we try to share this with others. We want to help to lead other designers to align their values with the way they do business to eliminate the shady reputation that our industry can have.

How has being a 2016 CID Award Winner helped your business?
Our Coverings Installation & Design Award gave us more exposure in our industry and the trip to Chicago was a really great experience. I have more respect for the work and investment there is in the industry and feel more educated on why tile and stone are the best choices for the home.