Cari May – Coverings Rock Star 2018

by: Cari May, Coldspring

I started my career at Coldspring six years ago right out of college. This made me one of a select few in the “younger generation” at the office. Stereotypes and generational statistics told me all the reasons that it would never work collaborating cross generationally with the majority of my peers. I decided to fight these stereotypes and take on an informal leadership role in the office, seeking to find my voice on issues and opportunities as they arose. The experiences that followed have shaped who I am today and in many ways have helped me tap into my passion to help others do the same.

The stone industry is a very loyal industry. It isn’t uncommon to meet people who have been in this profession for their entire career. And while that can be a very valuable asset, it also becomes an indicator of the intense succession needs of the industry as retirements start to kick into play.

I’m a big believer in being true to who you are and in order to do so, we all need to have a voice. But when you are coming into a new organization, and an industry such as the stone industry, where everyone has been around a long time, finding that voice and using it can be more challenging than one would think. It is that challenge that has sparked my interest in succession planning both for the industry as well as for our company in particular. It has also driven my focus to connect with others in the industry and serve on the mentorship committee for the Women in Stone program. With a mission to recruit retain and advance women in the stone industry, it aligns well with what I stand for.

What does it mean to be a “Rockstar” Award Recipient?
It is an honor to be recognized among the incredible group of emerging leaders in this industry. That said, whether formally recognized or not, there are many emerging leaders that are all bringing unique talents and skillsets to the industry that are needed as we move towards the future. It’s exciting to see what’s in store for the industry as these minds come together.”

About Coldspring

Coldspring is the largest privately held quarrier and fabricator of natural stone in North America. We have quarries and processing facilities throughout the country and serve a variety of markets, primarily the architectural and design community and the death care industry.

Our material can be found on projects of all sizes throughout the country. Traveling to any major city typically results in seeing an abundance of our granite being showcased whether it be on large scale projects or simple paving applications on any city block.

Some of the most recent notable projects with our material include the West Point Cadet Barracks, the new World Trade Center, and the Boston Children’s Hospital. Some of my favorites are the smaller scale, local projects that pay tribute to the local heritage of where the stone comes from.