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Catching up with Bart Bettiga from the NTCA

Bart Bettiga is the Executive Director of the National Tile Contractors Association, and he’s led that organization since March, 2002.
The NTCA was organized and chartered in 1947 and the National Tile Contractors Association (NTCA) is a non-profit trade association serving every segment of the tile and stone industry. It’s recognized as the largest and most respected tile contractors association in the world.
Recently, Bart took a moment to offer his observations about Coverings 2012 and to talk about how important the show is to the NTCA.
How was Coverings 2012 for you and the NTCA? 
Coverings 2012 was a record year for the NTCA. We signed up more members than we ever had previously.
What were the highlights of the show for you?
The Contractor Tours, a new program in 2012, allowed us to network with more people than ever before. The Coverings Installation and Design (CID) Awards, Installation Design Showcase, and conference program were also very successful for us.
How important is Coverings to the NTCA?
It is a vital part of our strategy. It is the one time each year where we can share with our members and the industry our knowledge and expertise. It is the one event that should NEVER be missed by tile industry professionals.
What did you and the NTCA learn at Coverings 2012?
Fundamental shifts are taking place in our industry. Technological advances are creating unique business opportunities and challenges for tile contracting companies and the NTCA has to stay on the leading edge in disseminating this information.
How successful were the new Contractor Days?
This was so important in that a key segment of our audience was able to have a focused program created for them to help them better understand the show layout and be exposed to creative and new products.
How important is the Live Installation Demonstration Stage to the NTCA and its members?
The show floor is a great opportunity for our members to be able to relax for a few minutes and take in some key demonstrations and product introductions. Because the conference program is non-proprietary, the live installation demonstration stage is a great way for our members to see some of the exhibitors product introductions and this encourages them to visit the booths for more in depth exploration. The NTCA also presents on the stage and gains great exposure for the benefits we provide for our members.

How does the Live Installation Demonstration Stage relate to the Installation Design Showcase?
The Live Installation Demonstration Stage was created to showcase new products and new information related to what contractors need to know about emerging trends as they relate to installation. The Installation Design Showcase has a different but equally important mission. We want the entire industry to celebrate what happens when we pair innovative design concepts with highly trained installers. Both events are integral to the success of the show.

Bart Bettiga is the Executive Director of the National Tile Contractors Association and publisher of TileLetter and TADA.