Register online by April 28 to save on registration! Prices increase onsite.

Check out the photos from Coverings 2012 on Facebook!

We’ve been adding new photo albums to the Coverings Facebook page all month. If you see a shot of yourself, please tag it. We love to connect the names of people with the faces we see at the show.

Show Floor Photos
Tile of Spain Press Conference & Lunch Photos
Ceramics of Italy Press Conference & Tour Photos
Featured Sessions Photos
TCNA Reception Photos

April’s show was a record-setter and we had more attendees than we’ve had in the last few years. All of it’s setting the stage for next year in Atlanta when we’re going to prove once and for all that the tile and stone industry is an industry to watch.
Every year, we show that the industry’s flexibility and embrace of innovation makes us the show to attend. If you’re in a building-related industry, come see us in Atlanta next year, April 29-May 2!