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Check out the winners to Tile of Spain’s 2015 ‘Passport to Creativity’ contest

Contest winner Jason Money shows off the Spanish tile he found.
Some lucky tile enthusiasts are heading to Spain thanks to the Tile of Spain “Passport to Creativity” contest. Tile of Spain recently announced the four winners to their annual contest, which asks architects and designers to submit a photo of themselves with Spanish tile in their own imaginative and creative way.
The design professionals selected to participate in a 7-day, architectural tour and trip to Spain are:

Jonathan Martinez – Senior Designer, Antrobus + Ramirez 
Gloria Graham Sollecito, AKBD – Kitchen & Bath Designer, Brendan Donovan Furniture & Cabinet Co. and Author of Design Blog, Kitchens for Living 
Daniel Cantwell – Registered Architect, Owner, DHC Design 
Jason Money, AIA, LEED – Associate, BarlisWedlick Architects

Jonathan Martinez captures some serious #floorcore.
The winners will head to Spain from February 6 to February 13, 2015, where they will have the opportunity to explore Sevilla and Valencia, Spain. They will be able to immerse themselves in Spanish culture, sample world-famous culinary arts, observe sites and attractions with architectural and design significance and gain a general understanding and appreciation for Spain and Spanish tile.
The trip also includes a guided visit to Cevisama 2015, factory and booth tours and a press conference. All architect and designer participants will earn CEU credits. Journalists from selected architecture and design media will also participate in the tour.
To view the images of the Passport to Creativity winners, and other contest entries, please visit the Tile of Spain Inspiration Gallery  at