Register online by April 28 to save on registration! Prices increase onsite.

Coverings 2014 – call for speakers & presentations is now open!

Coverings isn’t just a chance for attendees to see the latest products on the market, it’s also a chance to get a quality education about the industry. Through seminars, workshops and demonstrations, we strive to provide attendees four days of stellar education opportunities. Plus, we offer free CEUs to many attendees as well!

But we can’t do this alone–we need YOU to make the Coverings 2014 conference program a success! Share your experience and expertise with other tile + stone professionals at Coverings 2014 in:

Interior Design
Green Building
Retail Sales

Coverings will celebrate its 25th anniversary in 2014 and the conference will mark this milestone with an emphasis on tile and stone business through a program of innovative demonstrations, facilitated discussions and increased networking. We invite you to submit one or more educational, NON-PROPRIETARY proposals focusing on the core themes of the conference:

Facilitating the best practices in our professions and businesses now and into the future.
Utilizing tile and stone in green building – where are we now? Where are we headed?
Innovating design and cutting-edge use of tile and stone
Visioning for the future of the industry – products, people, and businesses – what to expect in the next 25 years.
Complementing tile and stone with fixtures, lighting, paint, cabinetry, etc.

Click here to submit your proposal and be considered as a presenter. Submission deadline is Monday, August 26, 2013.

All sessions are free to registered Coverings attendees and exhibitors. Coverings is a registered provider of AIA and NKBA continuing education and applies for CEUs through IDCEC.

A limited number of session times are available. As a result, we are unable to accept all presentations. Selections will be made no later than November 1, 2013, and all submitters will be notified of their status by November 15, 2013.

Questions? Contact Liz Arritt with Coverings Show Management at [email protected].

Call for Ideas – We Want to Hear From YOU
Really want to learn more about a specific topic? Have a great idea for a conference session? We want to hear from YOU! We want to know what topics are of most importance to our attendees and exhibitors.

Email your “must know” topic and session ideas to Liz Arritt at [email protected] by August 26, 2013.