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Coverings 25: An interview with industry veteran Luciano Galassini

Luciano Galassini and the Coverings Board at Coverings 1991 in Miami
To celebrate the 25th Anniversary of Coverings, we have been interviewing show veterans who have seen both the show and the industry grow over the years. This week, we sat down with Deputy Managing Director of Confindustria Ceramica Luciano Galassini, who has attended every single Coverings. Luciano spoke to us about how the show has shaped the industry, why he doesn’t have just one most memorable Coverings moment, and why he is so proud to have been involved since the beginning.
What has changed the most in the tile and stone industry in the past 25 years?
A quarter of a century ago this industry was trying to find its way in the United States. Today it is thriving, with new players who are consistently investing in the industry and members who are confident in providing the best solutions to fit the needs of its consumers through excellent products and good service.
What has Coverings meant for the tile and stone industry over the years?
A fantastic meeting place for anyone who is involved in manufacturing, distributing, specifying, installing and using these flooring products. If you want to know about the latest trends and installation techniques you cannot miss Coverings. This is the place where you find exhibitors from all over the world and the best products on display.
How did the advent of Coverings as the first Tile and Stone Trade Show affect the industry?
I believe that this show has contributed significantly to the growth of the tile and stone market in North America. It has raised awareness for these products and, most importantly, has strengthened the relationships between all of those who work in the industry.

Luciano Galassini at the Ceramics of Italy Booth at Coverings 2013 in Atlanta.
What is your most memorable Coverings moment?
I have many, many memories of Coverings. It’s hard to choose a single moment. My thoughts do go to the people who served on the Coverings Board in the early years and who cannot be here today to celebrate our incredible growth, like Jerry Fischer and Juan Pitarch and all of the others who played a very important role in building the success of the show.
What significance does the Coverings 25th Anniversary have for you?
The idea that I may have contributed, even to a small degree, to the creation a successful initiative is of great significance to me.