Register online by April 28 to save on registration! Prices increase onsite.

Coverings and Twitter

Coverings is a committed Twitter user; we find it to be the fastest way to spread show announcements and to draw attention to the posts that appear on this blog.
Over the next few weeks, we have three Twitter promotions scheduled.
The first promotion is to host a Tweet Chat, and it’ll be a first for us. The second is to host a Tweet Up during the show, and those Tweet Ups have become something of a tradition in the last few years. The third Twitter promotion we’re conducting is a contest to see who uses the hashtag #Coverings2012 the most times in his or her Tweets over the course of the show. Whoever uses that tag the most will win a trip to Atlanta for Coverings 2013, so be sure to use that hashtag every time you tweet about Coverings!
For the non-Twitter users out there, let’s talk through some of these Twitter terms.
A Tweet Chat is a public conversation that takes place on Twitter about a previously specified topic. Over the course of an hour, the host asks a series of questions and uses what’s called a hashtag to identify to the other participants in the chat that it’s part of the chat that’s taking place. Participants use the same hashtag in their responses and by following that hashtag, all of the participants engage in a rapid-fire exchange of ideas and opinions. A hashtag by the way, is the pound sign followed by a word or acronym.
In this case, Coverings is hosting the #KBTribeChat next Wednesday, April 11 from 2pm to 3pm EST. #KBTribeChat is a weekly event where kitchen and bath minded designers, architects and anybody else who wants to discuss a different kitchen or bath design related topic. In our case, we’ll be talking about tile and stone. If you’re a Twitterer and would like to connect with a large group of like-minded individuals, join us on the 11th!
Coverings holds a Tweet Up every year and some may wonder what a Tweet Up is. A Tweet Up, simply stated, is a face-to-face meeting of Twitter users at an event. Most people who use Twitter regularly, usually find they connect and build networks with people who share similar interests. Many of these connections turn into friendships, though they’re virtual ones. A Tweet Up is an opportunity to actually meet in person the people you’ve been communicating with online.

This photo was taken during the Tweet Up at Coverings 2011 in Las Vegas.
Coverings has developed some great connections with the tile and stone communities and this year’s Tweet Up promises to be the best one ever.
The Official Coverings Tweet Up will take place in Booth 3728, Coverings Central, on Tuesday, April 17 at 4pm . If you’re a Twitter user, please be sure to be there. If you’re curious about Twitter and would like to meet some folks who use it well and are happy to share their knowledge and enthusiasm, be sure to be there too!
If you haven’t done so already, please register for the show and remember, it’s all free. If you’re a Twitter user and we haven’t connected yet, be sure to follow @Coverings and we’ll follow you back. Use that #Coverings2012 hashtag!