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Coverings sponsors Cathy Whitlock lecture at Las Vegas Winter Market 2014

Cathy Whitlock
Las Vegas is being taken over by design this week, and we are so excited to be a part of it! The Winter 2014 Las Vegas Market opened on Sunday, for five days of the best in furniture, home décor, and gifts all in one place. Design influencers from all over the world have congregated in Vegas for this exciting event.
On Tuesday afternoon, Coverings sponsored a lecture by Cathy Whitlock at Las Vegas Market entitled “Designs on Television: Set Decoration on the Small Screen & the Essence of Capturing Lifestyles.” Cathy is an author, journalist, and designer who specialized in design on television and in film. She has contributed to Traditional Home, Veranda and Architectural Digest among others, and published Designs on Film: A Century of Hollywood Art Direction with HarperCollins in 2010.
Cathy spoke about set and interior design over the past sixty years in television history. She stressed the importance of creating homes that feel authentic and lived-in on television, so that they properly resonate with audiences that tune in every week. In order to accomplish this goal, Cathy highlighted the importance of props above all else in telling a story with set design. Doing considerable research on details that are important to the story is key. To illustrate her points, Cathy referenced television shows as diverse as I Love Lucy, Revenge, Mad Men, The Good Wife and Sex and the City.
We extend our gratitude to Cathy for such an informative and engaging lecture and urge all of you who aren’t familiar with her work to check out her blog: