Be Plugged In: Coverings 2021 Engage Interviews

One of the most popular areas at Coverings 2021 was the Coverings Lounge. This lively area in the center of the show floor was a hub for learning, networking, business building, sharing best practices, celebrating ceramic tile, and so much more. A unique corner of the Lounge was where the Engage Interviews with industry leaders were conducted. These one-on-one talks are a fantastic way to quickly learn helpful insights into various aspects of the tile & stone industry. 

Watch and listen to them all now!


Rick Church and Schannon Yodice


Rick Church and Nicolas Valderrama


Rick Church and Michael Martin


Rick Church and Amber Clore


Kemp Harr and Steve Kleber


Kemp Harr and Ken Ballin


Kemp Harr and Bruna Da Silva