Register online by April 28 to save on registration! Prices increase onsite.

Enter to win an Architectural Trip to Spain from Tile of Spain

Always wanted to see Spain? Here’s your chance! Tile of Spain is once again running the Passport to Creativity Contest. Four architects and designers will be selected to win a free trip to Spain February 9-15, 2014 to participate in an architectural excursion where they will earn CEU credits and visit Cevisama 2014.

The four contest winners will win a free trip to Cevisama 2014.
To enter, show your creativity! Visit and submit a picture of yourself with Spanish Tile.
Here’s an easy way to enter. Visit the Inspiration Gallery section of the Tile of Spain website, print out an image and take a picture of yourself holding it. Simple!
It can be a picture of you holding a catalog, an image, a drawing of a room or even a sample of Spanish Tile. You can even stand next to a project or in a room where you’ve specified Spanish Tile. The more creative the better!
Here’s a look at some of last year’s entries for inspiration.

Get creative! Submit a picture of yourself holding a sample of Spanish Tile like one of last year’s winners, Steve Trott.
Entries are being accepted through December 3, 2013 at The contest is open to architects and designers in the United States.