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Enter to win Tile of Spain’s 2015 ‘Passport to Creativity’ contest

Looking for some inspiration? Last year’s winners sure showed us their creativity!
Want to find yourself eyeing the famous architecture of Barcelona, Valencia, and Madrid? Tile of Spain wants you there too. Through their “Passport to Creativity” contest, Tile of Spain is offering up the opportunity for architects and interior designers to win a free trip to Spain.  Winners will participate in an architectural excursion where they will earn four CEU credits and a chance to visit Cevisama 2015, the International Ceramic Tile and Bath Furnishing Show in Valencia, Spain.
To enter architects and interior designers must submit a photo of themselves with Spanish tile. The tile can be a photo, a catalogue, or even a sample of Spanish tile. To get those creative juices flowing, you can download photos of Spanish tile from the Inspiration Gallery on Tile of Spain’s website. Be imaginative, creative, and most of all have fun!
The Tile of Spain 2015 Passport to Creativity Tour, running February 7th to 14th, 2015, includes time to explore beautiful Spain while experiencing its world-famous culture. From culinary arts to historical sites and attractions with architectural and design significance, there’s no end to the valuable experiences you will share on the tour. The trip also includes a guided visit to Cevisama 2015, factory and booth tours and an exclusive press conference. All participants will earn CEU credits.
For complete rules, and details on how to enter “Passport to Creativity”, please visit Act quickly – entries will be accepted through December 1, 2014 and winners will be notified in the week of December 15, 2014.