Check Out These Coverings 2022 Featured Educational Sessions

In addition to showcasing an expansive show floor with miles of tile & stone innovations, Coverings 2022 also features a robust and complimentary educational program with three learning tracks: Installation & Fabrication, Materials & Trends, and Workforce & Profits, which are focused on the show’s three tenets – Wellness & Environment, Timeless Luxury, and Outdoor Living.

Installation & Fabrication

These sessions will offer attendees a wealth of information regarding industry best practices and cutting-edge techniques for installation and fabrication. Select sessions in this track include:

Meeting Consumer Demand – Successful Exterior Installation
A panel discussion during which tile contractors will share their experiences and successes with outdoor installations and review case studies that include the latest in pedestal systems and 2-centimeter pavers.

What Lies Beneath: How the Tile Community Saved the Day with Proper Preparation
An examination of what it means to be qualified labor, why training is important, and how and why specifiers and customers need to engage and understand how to select a professional tile contractor.

The Secrets of Pool Design and Installation
This session will feature case studies of award-winning swimming pool projects and cover the entire scope of the design and installation process as well as special components of swimming pool design, such as water features and specification of proper waterproofing and materials.

Exterior Tile Veneers
Attendees will take a closer look at innovations in exterior tile assemblies and the initiative taken by industry organizations to propose revisions and successfully testify to the International Code Council in favor of allowing larger tiles on exteriors. The session will also analyze some of the challenges and critical points in the design and installation of exterior tile veneers.

Materials & Trends

Sessions in the Material & Trends track will focus on the breathtaking world of tile & stone. Select sessions in this track include:

Today’s Era of Ramped-Up Health and Environmental Action and Opportunities for Tile – Industry Leadership Collaboration Panel
A discussion among green building industry leaders to explore present and future green and healthy building demands, and how the North American ceramic tile industry is poised to capitalize on several tools and standards addressing health and environmental transparency and performance.

Tapping the Luxury Market – Insider Secrets from Luxury Daily’s Women in Luxury
A conversation between representatives from Luxury Daily, a leading luxury business publication, with many insights about how to tap into the luxury market and sell better products at higher margins to wealthier prospects.

Safety and Performance Issues with Not So Luxurious Vinyl Tile
This session will address questions relating to plastic and resin-based material flooring products using the latest research comparing the benefits of ceramic tile with plastic-based material (PBM) and plastic-resin flooring.

Designing for Outdoor Living
Attendees will learn the steps involved in the design-build process for outdoor spaces and how to successfully deliver the final product to the client.

Workforce & Profits

Lastly, the Workforce & Profits track will help attendees discover new and successful business practices and tactics to better grow and manage their business. Select sessions in this track include:

Differentiating Your Business Through the Health and Wellness Movement
A discussion about how design-build professionals can embrace the movement toward health and wellness in the home and effectively promote that alignment to differentiate and revitalize their business.

Laws of Luxury: How to Increase Your Sales by Leveraging the Luxury Business Model
A session geared towards tile and stone distributors and design firms, which will discuss the steps needed to become a luxury brand or boost margins and sell to the affluent.

Growth 2022: COVID, the Economy, Inflation and Mid-Terms – Tactics, Strategies and Actions to Increase Profitability in Uncertain Times
An examination of what industry professionals can expect in 2022 and how to navigate their businesses toward growth and profitability.

Women’s Work: Emerging Opportunities on the Jobsite and in the Workplace
An exploration of the advantages women bring to the job, emerging opportunities for women in construction and architecture, challenges women must overcome, successes that have been logged along the way, and more.

The learning doesn’t end in the session rooms. Curated show floor trends tours each focusing on Coverings’ key tenets (Wellness & Environment, Timeless Luxury, and Outdoor Living) are also not-to-be-missed. Check out the Coverings 2022 schedule to see full details for all of Coverings’ educational offerings.

If you’re looking to excel in today’s highly competitive tile, stone, and design marketplace, you need to attend Coverings 2022. Register now at no cost.