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Follow Coverings on Pinterest!

A few months ago, we launched a Pinterest account for Coverings pretty quietly. A few months into our Pinterest involvement we are ready for prime time so be sure to follow us there and we’ll follow you right back.

If you don’t know, Pinterest is a photo sharing, social site that works like a virtual scrapbook. It’s also the fastest-growing social network in history.
With Pinterest, users can upload, save, sort and manage images, known as pins, and other content (e.g. videos or links to articles) through collections known as pinboards. These pinboards are themed so that pins can easily be organized and categorized. Content can be gleaned from other user’s pinboards or from the wider internet by use of a ‘Pin It’ button that can be installed easily on your browser’s tool bar.
Pinterest is another way to connect with like-minded individuals and as a trade show, we use it to post photos of tile, stone, kitchens, baths, color trends, show news, etc. We even have a pinboard dedicated to peach recipes in honor of our 2013 location in Atlanta.
So if you’re a Pinterest user, come look through our pinboards and we’ll do the same for you. Want to contribute pins to a Coverings boards? Shoot us an email to [email protected] and we’ll add you as a pinner. Before any of us know it, Coverings 2013 (April 29 through May 2, 2013) will be upon us and Coverings’ Pinterest boards are another way to keep in touch, view our beautiful industry, and keep up to date on show announcements.
Happy pinning!