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Get social @ #Coverings2014

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We are very excited to give you a rundown on all of the fun social media programs that we’ll be running at Coverings 2014. From opportunities to meet your Social Media friends, to a curated tour of the show, to plenty of opportunities to win big, we’ve got something for everyone.
Twitter Tour: For the first time ever, Coverings will provide a special opportunity for social media savvy show attendees to participate in a guided tour through Coverings’ pavilions — Ceramics of Italy, Tile of Spain and Tile Council of North America. The Twitter Tour will highlight some of the show’s must-see product introductions, and encourage participants to mix and mingle with colleagues while they post their favorite products and findings on Twitter using the hashtag #CoveringsTour. Join us at the Social Media Lounge located on the ground level of the show, Booth L16070, on Tuesday, April 29 at 2:00pm to begin the tour. 
Tweetup: The social media fun continues on Wednesday, April 30, as our annual Tweetup makes its return at 5 p.m. in the Installation Design Showcase, booth 16097. Coverings attendees with a Twitter account are encouraged to stop by the special happy hour conversation that brings together industry influencers along with the participants of the Showcase for a special installation and design celebration. It is a great opportunity for social-savvy attendees to network both in person and on Twitter using the official show hashtag, #Coverings2014.
Coverings 2015 “Selfie” Wall: Make sure to stop by both Coverings Social Media Lounges, Booths 16092 and L16070, to get a sneak peek at Coverings 2015 in Orlando, Post a photo of yourself on Instagram in front of our “Selfie” Walls using the #Coverings2015 hashtag and tagging @coveringsshow and you could win a trip to next year’s show. The photo with the most likes wins!
Coverings 25th Anniversary Party: Are you attending the Coverings 25th Anniversary Party? It’s on Wednesday, April 30 at 9:00pm at the Hyde Bellagio. While you’re there, take photos with your favorite industry colleagues and post them on Twitter or Instagram with #Coverings25. The next day, you can find yourself on the Coverings Facebook and Pinterest pages!
Start using #Coverings2014: Just like last year, we will be rewarding the Covering attendee who uses #Coverings2014 the most during the four days of the show! Hurry up and get tweeting because the winner gets a free iPad! Please be sure to follow Coverings on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn and Google+. See you at the show!