Register online by April 28 to save on registration! Prices increase onsite.

Get the most out of Coverings

Coverings, The Ultimate Tile + Stone Experience, is just around the corner. From April 29 through May 2, tile and stone professionals from around the world will convene in Atlanta for a four-day immersion in the latest developments and trends in the tile and stone industry.
Coverings 2013 promises to be an incredible exhibition and conference and in order for you to get the most of your experience as a Coverings attendee, we’d like to make the following suggestions.

Arrive early: We encourage you to arrive on Sunday, March 28. That’s the day before the first speaker sessions begin and the show opens. Arriving early will allow you an extra evening to network and will guarantee you’ll be there when the doors swing open for the first time on Monday morning.
Stay until the end of the show: With more than 900 global exhibitors to explore and dozens of show features like the Installation Design Showcase, Coverings Central, live installation demonstrations and more, you’ll need all four days to explore all that Coverings 2013 has to offer. Plus, the conferences run through the late morning on May 2. Take advantage of all of the opportunities the show offers to earn CEUs and to learn new skills and best practices. Be sure to schedule enough time to take in all of the exhibitors, the installation design showcase and the live demonstration stage.
Book your hotel room and flights through our website: We’ve secured special rates at our recommended hotels, a discount with Delta airlines and the Atlanta Airport Shuttle. Don’t miss these and more travel tips through our website.
Don’t go home: We strongly urge you to book a room in our show block, even if you live within commuting distance. Save yourself the stress and surround yourself with industry professionals and peers for the duration of the show and conference.
Meet new people: Coverings brings together a host of amazing people from around the globe. Due to the caliber of talent on the part of both our attendees and exhibitors; new ideas, projects, perspectives and suppliers are in ample supply. Come away from the show inspired!
Eat, drink and sleep: Coverings runs at a hectic pace for four days. You’ll get more from the experience if you pace yourself. Drink plenty of water, grab light and healthy snacks and get as much sleep as you can. Coffee helps, too!
Don’t miss anything: Build your session schedule online, download your session handouts, and familiarize yourself with the layout of the show floor before you arrive in Atlanta and make a plan for yourself. Don’t schedule it so tightly that you can’t flex it when needed though.
It’s OK to leave your laptop in your room: Download your session handouts ahead of time and Coverings Central has internet-enabled computers that will allow you to check and send e-mail throughout the day. Resist the urge to continue working and immerse yourself in everything Coverings has to offer as much as you can.
Grab the program guide: Our program guides are available online, through our mobile app and in a printed form at key locations in the convention center. Familiarize yourself with it and use it as a resource to get as much from Coverings as you can.
Experience Coverings Central: Check out the amazing social space we’ve put together in Atlanta. We have a full program of informal speakers, internet-enabled computers, and plenty of space to sit, network or just take a breather.
Let us help you: Our staff will do their best to answer any questions and solve any problems, from logistics queries to directions. Before the show, contact us via email, Twitter or Facebook. At the show, visit the information desk or ask anyone wearing a Coverings staff badge.
Blog and Tweet with us: If you plan to blog, take photos, or use Twitter during the show, use the official hashtag, #Coverings2013.

Following these simple steps will help you get the most out of your time in Atlanta, and remember to register today if you haven’t already!