Register online by April 28 to save on registration! Prices increase onsite.

It’s all Italiano to me!

This year, Ceramics of Italy will serve up its own brand of southern hospitality during Coverings 2013! Ceramics of Italy’s Piazza Ceramica (Booth #2231)–designed by e+i studio and organized by Confindustria Ceramica, the Italian Association of Ceramics, with support from the Italian Ministry of Economic Development–will transform 3,000 square feet of space into a colorful, inviting, and topographic piazza. The large, open gathering space will feature amphitheater-like steps and a dedicated Italian culinary team in the popular café and coffee bar–offering pastries in the morning, authentic Italian cuisine for lunch, and an open aperitivo in the afternoon.

Lea Ceramiche Vivaldi
Piazza Ceramica is the focal point of the Italian Pavilion, with nearly every surface wrapped in italian tiles from Atlas Concorde, Ceramiche Caesar, Emilceramica, Fioranese, Floor Gres, Lea Ceramiche, and Marazzi. Even the grout, nosing, and cleaning products are Italian, donated by Mapei, Profilpas, and Fila Industria Chimica.
This year, a tricolored installation piece at the Piazza will feature a special interactive exhibit on the Ceramics of Italy Tile Competition. Now celebrating its 20th anniversary, the contest showcases the work of prominent North American architects and designers who use Italian tile in their residential, commercial, and institutional projects in new and innovative ways. A perfect place to get project inspiration, the exhibit will feature 20 years of exceptional designs. Winners of this year’s competition will be announced on Tuesday, April 30 at 4:00 PM in room B208 during the annual Ceramics of Italy International Press Conference, where each winner will present their projects. Representative from the association will also discuss the state of the industry and promotional activities, as well as trends. Immediately following, Ceramics of Italy will host a cocktail party in Piazza Ceramica and announce the recipient of the 2013 North American Distributor Award, which celebrates the close connection between Italian tile manufacturers and their valued North American partners.

Abitare la Ceramica Magic
The Installation Design Showcase is another exhibit where Italian tile will shine. For the fourth edition of the showcase, Ceramics of Italy is working with two Atlanta-based design teams to bring to life a bar/lounge and an inpatient room in a women’s birthing center?built in a live-action demonstration right on the show floor! Margaret Nysewander and Michael Mieswander of ASD and contractors from RimRock Design will create an edgy, avant-garde bar and lounge clad in contrasting stone-look and red-toned tiles from Fioranese, Ceramiche Caesar, Fap, Ergon, and Atlas Concorde. Setting materials are generously donated by Mapei. On the other end of the design spectrum, Mary Porter and Craig Anderchak of VeenendaalCave Healthcare will work with contractors from David Allen Company to build a vignette of an inpatient room featuring tiles from Brix, Coem, Mutina, Impronta Ceramiche, and Edimax. The installation will highlight Italian tile’s aesthetic, sustainable, and hygienic qualities.

Refin Frame
Those looking for innovative building materials at Coverings should head to the Italian Pavilion for inspiration. Ceramics of Italy will also be posting live updates and new product introductions from the Georgia World Congress Center on its Facebook, as well as on Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram.
To see everything Italy has to offer, register for Coverings today. And remember, it’s all free!