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Meet the National Tile Contractors Association

The National Tile Contractors Association (NTCA) is celebrating its 65th year as a leading trade association in the tile and stone industry. Today, they represent over 800 company members, including over 6,000 tile installers. As one of the five sponsoring associations managing Coverings, the NTCA is actively involved in the development of the conference program, as well as special activities on the show floor.
The NTCA is dedicated to the professional installation of ceramic tile and natural stone, and its related products. They perform over 75 training programs a year all over the country, reaching out to thousands of trade professionals; updating them on the latest trends and installation methods. They provide this program for both members and non members as a service to the trade.
The NTCA produces two professional publications:
TileLetter Magazine:
TileLetter has been produced for over 50 years and is geared to the trade: with installation tips, technical articles and case studies of successful installations.
TADA (Tile and Stone for Architects, Designers and Affiliates):
TADA magazine is dedicated to the proper specification and use of ceramic tile and natural stone, and targets the architectural and design community, to better prepare these professionals for writing specifications.
The NTCA has expanded its influence in the past decade to create alliances with related associations in the industry and to form partnerships with associations in related trades. They work closely with the Tile Council of North America and Ceramic Tile Distributors Association, and jointly hold an annual conference with them called Total Solutions Plus.
In the past decade, while other Associations struggle to maintain membership levels, the NTCA has experienced an impressive 66% increase in its overall membership, and over 72% in its contractor membership.
For more information on the NTCA, go to