Register online by April 28 to save on registration! Prices increase onsite.

PROJECT: Green entry deadline extended to February 1!

PROJECT: Green 2012 Best in Show Commercial/ New Construction
Schluter Systems Reno Distribution and Training Center, Reno, Nevada[/caption] Coverings 2013 has given you more time to submit your environmentally-friendly project to PROJECT: Green! If you have a sustainable project that features tile + stone and inspires environmental stewardship, then enter PROJECT: Green by February 1 for free!
Be a part of this coveted program at Coverings. Display your project and company in front of industry heavyweights and receive the recognition you deserve.
There are two easy ways to enter:

Mail – Download the PROJECT: Green submission packet and mail in your entry
Online – Submit through our newly designed online submission portal

The contest is open to architects, designers, builders, contractors, distributors, retailers, manufacturers and installers. Projects must have been completed within the past two years (January 2011 – January 2013) and may be located either within the United States or internationally. Multiple entries are accepted and encouraged.

Use of tile and stone in the project areas being considered, including what type, any certifications, where and how much
Aesthetic Design: Aesthetic attractiveness and/or uniqueness of the installed finish (0-20 points)
Positive Environmental Impact: Environmental effectiveness and/or significance of the project design, installation and/or operation (0-5 points)
Environmental Innovation: Incorporation of design, installation and/or operational strategies not regularly addressed by green building standards or rating systems (0-5 points)
Use of Tile/Stone Products with Environmental Benefits (0-70 points)

Why participate?
If your project is chosen as a top green project, Coverings will feature the project on the website, in social media, on the blog and a press release. In addition, your project will be showcased on the show floor and in a conference session at Coverings 2013, April 29-May 2 in Atlanta, Georgia.