Register online by April 28 to save on registration! Prices increase onsite.

Remember the deadline for PROJECT: Green entries is January 30

PROJECT: Green is a joint venture from Environmental Design + Construction (ED+C) magazine and Coverings. It’s a unique contest that seeks to honor the best sustainable projects that use tile and stone across a range of building categories. The contest is open to architects, designers, builders, contractors, distributors, retailers, manufacturers and installers.
Projects must have been completed within the past two years (January 2010-January 2012) and may be located anywhere in the world. Multiple entries are accepted and encouraged. Please fill out a separate form for each entry and you can enter directly by following this link.
PROJECT: Green has three categories.

Residential Both new construction and remodeled
Commercial Both new construction and remodeled
Institutional Both new construction and remodeled

Projects chosen for their exceptional achievements will be honored in a centerpiece display in Coverings Central at Coverings 2012, April 17-20 in Orlando, Florida. What’s more, they will enjoy exposure on the Coverings website and in ED+C magazine.

Each entry must be accompanied by at least three photos; essays detailing the sustainability of the project; a list of the green certifications applied for and or awarded for the project; a list of green products used; and any .pdfs or videos related to the project. There is no fee to enter. An independent panel of judges will evaluate all of the entries based on the following criteria, so in your essay detail as many of them that apply.

The use of tile and stone in the project areas being considered, including where and how much
Aesthetic attractiveness and/or uniqueness of the installed finish (0-20 points)
Positive environmental impact
Environmental effectiveness and significance of the project design, installation and operation (0-5 points)
Environmental innovation: incorporating design, installation or operational strategies not regularly addressed by green building standards or rating systems (0-5 points)
The use of tile and stone products with environmental benefits such as:

Products with recycled or reclaimed content (0-10 points)

Low or no VOC adhesives, grouts or sealers (0-10 points)

Salvaged, refurbished, or reused materials (0-10 points)

The use of tile or stone products instead of competitive coverings to achieve better performance-based benefits such as extended material longevity and durability; reduced maintenance; lower replacement frequency; enhanced user safety (0-10 points)

Products with other third-party environmental acknowledgements or LCA reports (0-10 points)

Products designed to reduce building energy loads (0-10 points)

Products with innovative environmental technologies not addressed in the criteria listed above (0-10 points)

Everybody knows that the tile and stone industry leads the way when it comes to integrating sustainable practices in construction projects and PROJECT: Green is the perfect way to show that to the world. Hurry though, that deadline’s coming up fast – Monday, January 30.
Enter today.