Register online by April 28 to save on registration! Prices increase onsite.

Show Coverings Your Pinfluence!

Pinterest is one of the hottest social platforms on the internet right now and Coverings is definitely a player in that space. Because it’s such an interesting and fun platform, not to mention an incredibly effective marketing tool, we’ve decided to integrate it into our educational sessions during the show.
How it works is pretty straightforward.
First, have a Pinterest account and follow ours at Then shoot us an email to let us know you’re interested in participating. Our email address is [email protected].
From there, we’ll start a pin board in your name and you’ll be free to Pin to your heart’s content on a Coverings Pin Board of your very own. Pin all you want about tile and stone. Show us beautiful installations and gorgeous materials. Promote your Coverings board to your friends and followers through your own social channels. In order to preserve copyright and trademark integrity, please Pin only photos that can be attributed properly.
The top four Pinners who’ve attracted the largest number of followers to their boards by March 22 will each win:

A panelist spot in the Promoting with Pinterest session at Coverings;
An invitation to the VIP Press dinner on Monday, April 29 in Atlanta; and
A $200 American Express gift card!

So let us know how pinfluential you are and put your Pinterest time to good use. The terms and conditions of this promotion can be found here. Email us now to enter!
Coverings takes place this year at the Georgia World Congress Center from April 29 through May 2. Register for Coverings today and remember, it’s all free!