Register online by April 28 to save on registration! Prices increase onsite.

The CID Awards entry deadline is this Friday!

The CID (Coverings Installation and Design) Awards combines elements of the past Spectrum and Prism Awards together with the TileLetter & NTCA Installation Awards which will honor achievement in the outstanding use of tile and stone and the synergy between installation and design.
The CID Awards will spotlight contractor/designer teams who, respectively, have the demonstrated talent and skills to bring to life an exceptional aesthetic vision.
If you have a project you’re proud of and want to show to the world, the CID competition is the perfect venue. The 2012 CID Awards competition is open to architects, designers, builders, contractors, distributors, retailers, installers and other  professionals whose projects demonstrate design and installation excellence in residential and commercial projects, giving special recognition to stunning natural stone, ceramic tile and mosaic tile/glass. To be eligible, projects must have been completed within the past two (2) years (Jan 2009 – Dec 2011) and be located in the U.S. Both the installer and  designer of the project will be recognized. Multiple entries are accepted and encouraged.
Please fill out a separate form for each entry on the website here and enter by this Friday, February 10.
Good luck and we’ll see you in April at Coverings!