Tile of Spain Coverings 2016 Activities Announced

Tile of Spain is excited to be part of Coverings 2016, held April 18 to 21, 2016 in Chicago, Illinois. Visitors to the Spain Pavilion will witness some of the most advanced ceramic tile technology and breathtaking design choices the world has to offer from nearly 70 Spanish ceramic and stone manufacturers.

The Tile of Spain booth (# 619), in the center of the pavilion, holds a variety of literature, including directories to the must-see Spanish tile exhibitors and the latest issues of Ceraspaña, Tile of Spain’s quarterly magazine.

Presentations and videos will run throughout the show, including award-winning architectural and design projects and an overview of Tile of Spain manufacturers’ achievements featuring beautiful design and products with unsurpassed quality, durability and versatility.

Presentations from tile expert, Ryan Fasan, to be presented in the Spanish Pavilion (Booth 619) include:

From Skin to System: Rethinking Ceramic’s Place in Design
Monday, April 18: 12pm and 1pm
Thursday, April 21: 12pm
Sometimes it can be difficult to rethink our approach to time honored processes, especially when we have been doing things the same way for centuries. Ceramics have been a mainstay cladding material in design since humankind has been making buildings. Ceramic tile, especially in today’s modern formats and value added solutions is so much more than just a skin and in order to fully harness its systemic potential, its time for a rethink.

Join us in the Tile of Spain Pavilion as we explore the evolution of innovation in tile over the past 20 years and explore new approaches to sales, specification and design to harness the full potential of ceramics by shifting the timeline of material selection dramatically. From slim to thick pavers, large formats to traditional subways, stone looks to wood planks – creating a detailed materials map for a project can be the biggest asset for your next project. Even as human skin has surface benefits but is a part of a larger system that makes the entire structure function better, so too can tile function systemically in building design with the right forethought.

User Experience Focus: Trends in Ceramics 2016
Tuesday, April 19: 12:15pm
Wednesday, April 20: 3pm  
In the tech world, operating systems are the long-term assets that live through the arcs of micro-trends in the fast-paced device innovation race. Tile has a similar relationship to building design as a whole given its durability and technical characteristics in relation to overall building systems. Join Tile of Spain as we explore the evolution of macro-trends in ceramics through the lens of evolving UX design principles.

Viewing tile trends on this macro scale sheds some interesting light on where the industry is today and what the focus is for long-term timeless usefulness in relation to all aspects of building design and planning. Taking keywords from UX design like “materials”, “scalability” & “streamlining” we will explore the emerging trends in Spanish ceramics, and ceramics in general, for 2016 and beyond.

Once again, ASCER, the Professional Association of Ceramic Tile Manufacturers from Spain, and ICEX Spain Trade and Investment organize the 2016 Spain Pavilion.

For more Tile of Spain updates, be sure to follow us on social media: Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus and Pinterest. Register for Coverings for free today to visit Tile of Spain in booth #619.

Website: www.tileofspainusa.com
Twitter: twitter.com/TileofSpain
Facebook: www.facebook.com/tileofspainusa
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Instagram: www.instagram.com/tileofspainusa