Register online by April 28 to save on registration! Prices increase onsite.

Top picks for contractors and installers

The best installers are those who place a priority on efficiency – the ones who know how to save time, save money, learn fast and work smart. In just a few weeks, The Ultimate Tile + Stone Experience comes to one of the nation’s largest metropolitan areas to help you in every facet of your installation business. Attend Coverings, April 29-May 2, at the Georgia World Congress Center, in Atlanta, Georgia, for instant access to knowledge, tool trends, techniques and skill enrichment. Registration’s easy and free, and once you’ve signed up, be sure to access the great hotel and airline discounts.

Coverings – 2013 Top Picks for You
Must See: Lieutenant General John F. Sattler USMC ret.)
Get leadership advice from one of the nation’s most lauded generals. His inspirational presentation addresses the role of ethics in your business and what your responsibility as a leader is to ensure your team stays on track and in line for success.
Must Get: Training Without Paying a Dime
It’s true. Coverings offers free, targeted contractor/installer sessions. In fact, we provide the most comprehensive educational program in the nation for tile and stone. Update your technical and management skills on the show floor, too, by visiting the Live Installation Demonstration Stage in Hall C, booth 7639, for daily demonstrations.
Must Do: Leave Time in Your Schedule for Show Features
Coverings features a dozen special Show Features to enhance your show experience. Two of them you must do? The inspiring Installation Design Showcase where NTCA Five Star contractors will be hard at work tiling four unique spaces, and the CID Awards Reception & Ceremony on Monday night where the winners of spectacular projects will be revealed.
Must Go: Contractor Days
Coverings has developed specific programming exclusively for contractors! Contractors can network and relax during the show in the Contractor Lounge in Hall C, booth 7841 and attend FREE happy hours at 3:00 PM on Tuesday and Wednesday during the 2013 Contractor Days.
Must Know: Your Attendance is Important
There are ways to communicate the need for you to attend Coverings 2013 to management. Let us help you justify your attendance to your company with these online resources.

Over the course of four free days of education and discovery, you can hone your craft and boost your business — all at Coverings 2013. Register today.