Register online by April 28 to save on registration! Prices increase onsite.

Leatrice Eiseman

Gain Access to Tile and Stone Insights You Won’t Find Anywhere Else

Each year, the Coverings conference program consistently inspires, educates, and motivates industry professionals. By emphasizing the Coverings core tenets of Health & Wellness, Sustainability, Outdoor Spaces, and Timeless Luxury, Coverings’ educational content ensures that attendees remain well-informed and competitive in today’s dynamic marketplace.

Your Coverings badge gives you access the entire conference program at no additional cost.

Experience Sessions Across Three Focused Tracks

Stay on top of your game and access cutting-edge insights and practical knowledge from industry leaders.

Installation & Fabrication​

Brush up on industry best practices and cutting-edge techniques in the installation and fabrication of tile and stone.

Workforce & Profits

Identify new and successful business practices and tactics to better grow and manage your workforce while maximizing bottom-line profits.

Materials & Trends

Be inspired by the latest tile and stone trends and how to successfully apply them in your projects to "wow" your clients and increase your profits.

Learning Opportunities

Coverings Stages

Live “how-to” demos, trends, solutions, and other relevant content will be available on stages throughout the show floor to offer attendees the latest innovations in products, techniques, and business processes for the tile and stone industry.

Education Partners

Why travel to multiple trainings or sit in on countless webinars when you can receive all the tile and stone education you need at Coverings in Orlando? Coverings has partnered with top-tier educational providers to bring you all the industry knowledge you need in one place.

Learning Opportunities
Guided Tour at Coverings


If you’re looking to explore the show floor in a fast and efficient way, a Coverings Tour may just be for you. In addition to providing three, hour-long Contractor Tours where you can see the latest tool, equipment, and allied product innovations, Coverings is also bringing back Audio Tours. With several curated tours to choose from, the Audio Tours will allow you to explore the show floor at the time that works best for you.