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Coverings 2017 Opens to Enthusiastic Crowd, Unveils Stunning Tile and Stone Products

Orange County Mayor’s Office Declares Tile & Stone Days

(ORLANDO, FL – April 5, 2017) Coverings, the largest global tile & stone exhibition in North America, made its highly anticipated return to the Orange County Convention Center yesterday. Representatives of the Orange County Mayor’s Office, Ceramics of Italy, Tile of Spain, Tile Council of North America, Ceramic Tile Distributor Association, and National Tile Contractor Association gathered Tuesday, April 4 for the official 2017 ribbon cutting ceremony. The show, which runs through Friday, April 7, features new products from more than 1,100 exhibitors that span 430,000 net square feet of show floor space, and offers more than 70 educational sessions.
“Coverings continues to build on its strengths—there is so much that’s exciting this year, from the refreshed pavilion designs, conference content, tiny homes of the Installation Design Showcase, Byte sessions, to the aisles of impressive tile and stone products,” said Alena Capra, Coverings Industry Ambassador. “The value of attending Coverings multiplies with every turn on the show floor.”

At the show’s ribbon cutting ceremony, Victoria P. Siplin, Orange County Vice Mayor, presented a declaration that named April 4-7, 2017 as Tile & Stone Days in Orange County, Florida. The Mayor’s Office recognized the influence of the show in the community by providing attendees the opportunity to learn about new and innovative products, gain knowledge from courses, and provide networking opportunities to foster connections with peers. Representatives from the Coverings Board joined Siplin to cut the ribbon at the opening ceremony.

Further to the many striking booths, this year’s enhanced pavilions added to the buzz on the show floor. Tile of Spain introduced a new stand, branded the “Innovation Lab,” that serves as a multipurpose area and showcase of the many uses and installations of tile. Tile Council of North America’s pavilion has been updated to reflect the organization’s Why Tile campaign. The core areas of focus for the campaign—tile design, easy care, healthy spaces, and heritage—are integrated throughout the booth. The Ceramics of Italy pavilion provides a central gathering place for industry professionals to network, complete with Italian fare.


Coverings Social Media
Twitter: @Coverings, #Coverings2017

About Coverings
Coverings is the largest and most important ceramic tile and natural stone trade fair and expo in the United States. It features exhibitors from more than 40 countries and is the stage for introducing some of the most innovative tile and stone products in the world.

The exposition serves as a valuable resource for continuing education for all segments of the industry, with more than 75 informative, accredited seminars and live demonstration sessions throughout the show, all free of charge. Coverings attracts thousands of distributors, retailers, fabricators, contractors, specifiers, architectural and design professionals, builders and real estate developers, as well as journalists and bloggers who cover this vital and dynamic industry.

Sponsors of the show are The Ceramic Tile Distributor Association (CTDA), Tile of Spain/Spanish Ceramic Tile Manufacturer’s Association  (ASCER), Ceramics of Italy/Confindustria Ceramica, National Tile Contractors Association (NTCA) and the Tile Council of North America (TCNA). The show is managed by Taffy Event Strategies, LLC. Coverings 2017 takes place April 4-7 at the Orange County Convention Center, Orlando, FL.

For more information, visit or contact Taffy Events, Coverings Show Management, 703-539-5504.