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Coverings Rock Stars Program Honors Industry Contributions Of Young Professionals

Show Awards Distinction to 10 Emerging Leaders in Annual Program
(Chicago, IL — April 19, 2016) Coverings, the largest global tile & stone exhibition in North America, inaugurated its second class of “Rock Stars” – the show’s emerging leaders program. Selected in recognition of individual achievements towards the continued betterment of the tile and stone industry, the 2016 honorees were announced during the Coverings CID & Opening Night Celebration, held on April 18, 2016 at McCormick Place in Chicago.
“Coverings is honored to welcome the second class of influential young industry leaders into its Rock Stars program,” said Karin Fendrich, Coverings show director. “The future and continued success of the tile and stone industry is dependent on the many talents represented by this diverse group of professionals, and we look forward to the innovative ideas and leadership they will continue to share in the years ahead.”
A panel comprised of seasoned industry professionals reviewed more than 54 candidates, and selected the following 10 outstanding inductees for the second class of Coverings Rock Stars. Representing more than six industry specialties, the 2016 honorees are:       
Sean Cilona, Florida Tile, Manufacturer
Andrea Contri, Confindustria Ceramica, Trade Association
Cameron DeMille, Easy Stone Care, Fabricator
Bradford Denny, Nichols Tile & Terrazzo Co, Contractor/Installer
Bill Griese, Tile Council of North America, Trade Association
Julian Hernandez, JR Design and Contractor, Contractor/Installer
Jason Holman, THE SOURCE STONE, INC., Fabricator
Joseph Procida, Procida Tile, Distributor
Paul Reiss, Artaic, Architecture & Design
Kate Sterling, AKDO, Manufacturer
This illustrious group will have the opportunity to network with the media and other professionals whose expertise and dedication to the tile and stone industry have contributed to its success at a private dinner. The selected Rock Stars each received a one-night hotel stay in Chicago to attend Coverings.
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About Coverings
Coverings is the largest and most important ceramic tile and natural stone trade fair and expo in the United States. It features exhibitors from more than 40 countries and is the stage for introducing some of the most innovative tile and stone products in the world.
The exposition serves as a valuable resource for continuing education for all segments of the industry, with more than 75 informative, accredited seminars and live demonstration sessions throughout the show, all free of charge. Coverings attracts thousands of distributors, retailers, fabricators, contractors, specifiers, architectural and design professionals, builders and real estate developers, as well as journalists and bloggers who cover this vital and dynamic industry.
Sponsors of the show are The Ceramic Tile Distributor Association (CTDA), Tile of Spain/Spanish Ceramic Tile Manufacturer’s Association  (ASCER), Ceramics of Italy/Confindustria Ceramica, National Tile Contractors Association (NTCA) and the Tile Council of North America (TCNA). The show is managed by National Trade Productions.
Coverings 2016 takes place April 18-21 in McCormick Place in Chicago, Illinois. For more information, visit or contact National Trade Productions, Coverings Show Management, 703-706-8257.  