Coverings Stages: Where the Magic Happens

Some of the biggest and most talked-about moments happen on the Coverings Stages. Our 2025 stages will feature a variety of educational offerings, including Q&A panels, live demonstrations and interactive sessions, all included in your registration.
The show floor stages will feature live “how-to” classes, trends, solutions, and other content showcasing the latest innovations in tile and stone products, techniques, and business processes.

Installation Innovation Stage

Booth 4038
Get hands on and dive into the details! These live demonstrations allow attendees to see exactly how to install a wide variety of new products and learn techniques to make tile and stone installation more successful. Visit each day and learn from the pros about new materials, industry standards, methods, and best practices for delivering superior tile installation. One of the most popular features at Coverings, demonstrations will be delivered by NTCA staff and TCNA members.

Fabricator Stage

Booth 4494
Here is where attendees can learn from experts in the stone and fabrication industry through short and engaging presentations and demonstrations. Programming will focus on the most relevant topics for tile and stone fabricators, providing you with the information and ideas you need to move your business forward and complete your next project.
Trends & Solutions Stage

Booth 4300
Get a deep dive on the latest product trends and solutions in the tile and stone industry. Hear from exhibitors and industry professionals sharing the latest innovations and trends to help you do business. This stage will feature short presentations from those launching new services, providing business solutions, or showcasing new product trends. Join these sessions to hear what is at the forefront of the tile and stone industry.
Interested in presenting on the Trends & Solutions Stage? Submit a proposal!

Artisan Showcase

Booth 4412
Art tile makers and artisans will demonstrate all the steps that are required to create one-of-a-kind, hand-made tile. From pre-mounting techniques for installation, hand forming/cutting, decorating, glazing, and painting, stop by this stage to learn all about this unique craft.